A cochlear implant is a device which is surgically implanted into the inner ear. A traditional hearing aid helps by increasing the volume of the sound coming into the ear, whereas a cochlear implant bypasses the ear structures and directly stimulates the hearing nerve. This can help improve hearing in ways that traditional hearing aids cannot.
You can think of hearing as having two knobs like in an old analog radio – the volume knob and the frequency knob. Traditional hearing aids can help turn up the volume, but if the frequency knob is off no matter how loud the volume is the words won’t make sense. Only cochlear implants can help fix the “frequency.” We can tell if your “frequency” knob is off by looking at your Word Recognition Score, which is a percentage value on your hearing test.
No. While cochlear implants are definitely innovative technology, the first cochlear implant was placed in 1978 and they are a well-established treatment for hearing loss which has been proven to be highly effective in properly chosen patients. Cochlear implants are a marvel of modern technology and are continuing to improve year to year.
The device itself is indeed expensive (about $28,000), however unlike most traditional hearing aids, it is covered by most health insurance plans. The out of pocket cost to you is usually less than traditional hearing aids. We will be able to give the cost to you before surgery is scheduled.
You will wear an external processor which receives and processes sound. This connects to an internal receiver/stimulator through the skin with a magnet. The receiver/stimulator has an electrode which goes into your inner ear and directly stimulates your hearing nerve. Your brsain will learn how to understand those electrical impulses when you start using your cochlear implant. You will take the external processor on and off like a normal hearing aid and the internal receiver/stimulator will stay in permanently. You will still wear a hearing aid in your other ear if you need one.
When your device is first activated it will sound very different – some describe it as robotic, others tinny. Over time it will sound more natural. Some users develop an appreciation of music with their cochlear implant, others don’t. That is very hard to predict.
This varies significantly person to person. At first your hearing might be worse – don’t be discouraged! This is normal and with effort it will improve. After six months, most users understand about 80% of sentences with a cochlear implant – some are closer to 100%, some less than 80%. Almost all recipients have better hearing than they had before surgery after six months. It is important to know that your hearing will still not be normal or perfect, but for most people their implanted ear becomes their better ear. Of all the surgeries Dr. Bartindale does, this one has the most satisfied patients.
Adults with cochlear implants:
Surgery is surgery and should always be taken seriously. However, as surgeries go, this is a relatively minor one. It is about a one-hour surgery where you will be completely asleep (general anesthesia). Dr. Bartindale makes a ~1 inch incision and does not shave any of your hair. As long as you don’t have any major health problems and everything goes well you will go home the same day. Your incision will be closed with absorbable stitches which do not need to be removed. You will wake up with a “Civil War” bandage on your head which you will remove the following day.
You will receive narcotic pain medication just in case, however most patients don’t need it. Tylenol and ibuprofen are usually enough to manage pain behind your ear. Recovery means different things to different people, and everyone bounces back at different rates. In general, after a couple of days of recovery patients are back to their normal routine. You can shower the day after surgery – it is ok to get the incision wet, but do not scrub directly on it. It helps healing to apply plain Vaseline daily to the incision.
Yes. This is a recent innovation.
The answer is always NO! If you are healthy enough to tolerate general anesthesia, there is no age too old to be a cochlear implant candidate. It is common to implant patients in their 90s.
Learning how to hear with a cochlear implant is not a passive process, it takes work. Users who are motivated and work at it will have better results. If a patient has a hip replacement, they need to do physical therapy to recover – along the same lines, to use your cochlear implant to its greatest potential, working to listen actively and use it frequently will help you hear again. With effort you will be rewarded. Users often don’t realize how much they had been missing until they can hear again. Families often remark at how users are engaged in their conversations again for the first time in years.
Cochlear implants are not perfect but consider giving yourself a shot – most users are happy they did.
Please call one of our locations: West Joliet 815-725-1191, New Lenox 815-717-8768, and Morris 815-941-1972 to schedule an appointment.
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